Digital Marketing for eCommerce: the Baby Good Market

One of the most competitive of all online markets, the baby goods market is awash with manufacturers and retailers, and needs a clear and effective marketing campaign for a brand to stand out. This is no ordinary market; there are notable differences between how goods intended for babies and small children are presented and those for older children and adults. This is due in no small part to parents being keen to ensure the safety and well-being of the newborn, which is a natural instinct.

When it comes to eCommerce and digital marketing for baby goods, there are certain strategies to be aware of, and which might be usefully implemented in your marketing routine. Following, we will take a look at the factors that are important in marketing goods for babies online, the importance and effectiveness of Facebook Ads and Google Ads, and refer to a case study that outlines how we can help you increase your sales, and avoid the pitfalls that are commonly found in this area of eCommerce.

Start with Safety

Here is a starting point: the first thing a new parent is going to consider when buying goods for the baby – whether they are looking at clothes, toys, feeding and bathing equipment or anything specifically for babies – is safety. Any product marketed in this sector needs to come with clear statements on where it originates, the standards it conforms to, and what it is made from. Without this information – and the more detailed and clear the better – you are on a losing streak straight away. Parents want to know it is safe, and they need to see a description that explains why it is safe.

Make sure your products are safe and state this clearly on your product pages.

It may seem obvious, but the words ‘non-toxic’ make a strong statement in this market and should not be overlooked. However, it’s not just a case of telling your prospective customers the product is safe – it needs to be so, and you need to be sure that it conforms to all the relevant safety and other standards before you go to market.

With an experienced digital marketing company on board to help devise your marketing campaign, you are better placed to hit the ground running. At ML DigiLab we can provide you with the expertise you need to devise and launch a marketing and eCommerce campaign that will stand out from the crowd – and this is a very crowded market – so that your product is the one that people not only notice, but trust.

Before we go on to talk about some other factors that need careful consideration in terms of marketing baby goods online, here is a case study involving a paid marketing campaign we created for a company selling toys and fun objects for the under-5 market, which we hope gives you a clear idea of our approach and dedication to our client’s requirements.

A Case Study

This case study involved a client who came to us for help with marketing toys and other products for the under-5 age group. It represents a good example of what we can do to help market baby clothes and other goods for young children. As we mention above, this is a market that needs a unique approach – not only because it is a competitive one but also to engender the trust that parents desire where newborns and small children are concerned.

Social media and search engines are the perfect places to target parents

The customer approached ML DigiLab with a request for us to help improve their sales and increase their lead generation, with the requirement that quality of leads was not compromised. They also wished to reduce their cost per purchase. Immediately we looked at the client’s performance to date, we saw their conversion rate was a mere 1%. The cost per conversion was also excessive, as average order values were not great. Now that we knew the challenge ahead, we set about working on a strategy with the client.

Our first step towards rectifying the problem involved taking a close look at the strategies they had in place. We were able to restructure the campaign overall, using our experience in such matters to bring greater control not just to budgeting, but also to geo-targeting and ad scheduling.

We also ensured that the clients’ conversion tracking was accurate, in order to bring greater understanding of business objectives. Next, we began working on optimizing the campaign for Google Shopping, a vital part of any such campaign. We split the campaign into three defined areas – those of generic searches, brand-related searches, and more specific product searches. This allowed the customer to prioritize the latter, which promised a greater intent to purchase. We also tailored ads to target each of the search groups, thus providing greater lead generation possibilities.

The results show what can be achieved with a marketing campaign in the children and baby sector: greater than 300% increase in conversion rate coupled with a 67% reduction in cost per action, and a 41% rise in the click-through rate. That was one very satisfied customer!

The Importance of Facebook Ads and Google Ads

There is no doubt at all that social media plays a large part in successful marketing. Facebook and Instagram are a prime example. When it comes to targeting mothers – which is where you should be aiming when you are marketing baby goods and items for young children – these platforms are akin to a captive audience. Mothers like to share their pride in newborns and keep their circle of friends and family updated as to the progress of the child as it grows. This is one reason why we recommend Facebook Ads as part of a baby products marketing campaign.

One of the advantages of Facebook Ads is the ease with which you can target a specific audience, which in this case is especially important. You want your baby ads to be seen by mothers, and Facebook Ads can help you make sure this happens. The range of metrics available for tailoring your ads on Facebook is impressive: age and gender can be specified, location, occupation, and income also.

What is particularly of use in the case of baby goods is the ability to target readers by way of their past and recent purchasing behaviour: if someone has been buying baby goods, they will see your tailored ad. This makes Facebook Ads a sensible choice for keeping your return on investment (ROI) at an acceptable level, and also ensuring that you continue to be given quality leads, rather than wasting time on viewers who will not be interested in your product.

Similarly, Google Ads can be specified to target certain groups of people, and you can even select the time of day you want your ads to display and many other metrics. These are ready to use, cheap and successful advertising mediums that you should be using for marketing your baby goods, and their effectiveness is proven.

Perhaps the most interesting area of online marketing, and one that will lend itself perfectly to marketing baby goods, is Google Shopping.

Google Shopping campaign on Google Ads

Having been around since 2013 – and recently improved to a great degree – there are many advantages to using Google Shopping ads, including the ability to include unique product images and highly specific customer targeting. This results in high-quality traffic and more efficient use of resources, each of which leads to increased cost-effectiveness and more potential leads.

Scaling and eCommerce

For eCommerce retailers, the trick to greater success lies in scaling the store correctly, so that you continue to provide the service that your customers want. This is as true in the world of baby goods as in any eCommerce venture, if not more so. Online buyers are able to access a great number of offers, hence the importance of keeping your store ahead of the competition.

Some great scaling tips include:

  • Simplify your store to the point it is amazingly easy for people to buy. This will be noticed by customers who may be used to clunky, difficult to use shopping portals offered by your rivals.
  • Use every resource you can to promote your brand; think Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, all social media platforms, and even local business and consumer groups and websites.
  • Keep your customer service to the highest level, as buyers like to be treated to quick responses and be cared about.
  • Automate where possible, including e-mail responses to enquiries. This will let your customers know you are paying them due attention.
  • Keep your website updated and blogs with fresh content, as this gives an impression of enthusiasm that invites brand loyalty.

The above are all essential elements that come into play when scaling and building an eCommerce venture.

To Wrap Up

We hope that the above information has helped you get an idea of what is involved in building and successfully promoting a baby goods eCommerce venture. We have in no way covered everything, as to do so would require an entire volume! What we can do is invite you to talk to us and see how we can help you with your digital marketing and eCommerce requirements.