7 Things to Know About Advertising Baby Products

If you’re reading this, you’re probably:

  • In the baby goods industry
  • Wondering how to start advertising baby products… the right way

Well, guess what? You’re in the right place! While there are many strategies out there to advertise your baby products, one of the best ways is with paid advertising, like Google and Facebook Ads.

Paid advertising gets your baby product right in front of your audience. And when you do it right, your conversation rates will skyrocket.

On that note, I’m going to share 6 tips to get you started with advertising baby products. You’ll leave this post knowing things like:

  • How to find your target audience for baby products
  • How to optimize Google and social media ads
  • How to budget your paid ads strategy

Sound good? Let’s get started!

7 Ways to Start Advertising Baby Products With PPC and Social Media Ads

Take a look at the following tips to advertise baby products with PPC and social media ads.

  1. Choose a Target Audience
  2. Choose your Platform
  3. Get to Know Your Audience
  4. Brainstorm Keywords
  5. Create Ad Copy
  6. Budget Your Ads
  7. Audit Your Ads

1. Choose a Target Audience

You might be thinking… “This one is easy! I’m advertising baby products to parents.” While this is true, I suggest you go even deeper.

What type of parents are you targeting? New parents? Single parents? Specifically moms or dads?

You get the picture. Every type of parent looks for different baby products. For example, a single mom wants any baby product that makes their life easier. On the other hand, new parents usually focus on safe baby items.

So how do you choose your target audience? Or should I say, target parents?

To get started, write a list of your product and all of its features. If I sold baby monitors, for example, my list would look something like below:

baby goods marketing features

Are your features written down? Great! Now look at each feature and choose your unique selling point (USP). A USP tells your audience why your product is worth it—why should they buy your product over someone else’s?

Going back to the baby monitor example, my USP is its battery life. Most baby monitors last from 6 to 20 hours, but mine lasts for 30+ hours.

USP Baby Industry

Now that you have your features and unique selling point written, ask yourself this: What type of parent would see your baby item and think… “I MUST have this product?”

While any expecting parent wants a baby monitor, I know that new parents would love my long-lasting baby monitor. They want the best and safest baby monitor to watch their newborn.

And if you’re not sure what type of parents are out there, here’s a quick list:

  • Single parents
  • Stay at home parents
  • Same-sex parents
  • Working parents
  • New parents
  • Stepparents
  • Divorced parents

… and the list goes on! It’s okay if your baby product targets more than one parent. But I suggest keeping your audience as specific as possible.

2. Choose Your Platform

Choosing your PPC platform is one of the biggest questions every business has about advertising baby products… Should you use Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Instagram Ads?

Want to know a secret? There’s no “best” type of ad. It all depends on your target audience.

With that, here are a few ways to decide which platform is right for you.

Facebook and Instagram Ads – As Facebook and Instagram are both social media ads and are owned by the same company, I’m going to group these together.

Both Facebook and Instagram are known for their customized audiences. You can target parents with normal demographics like age and location. But this isn’t the best part… with Facebook and Instagram, you can also target their:

Behaviors – purchases, travelling, mobile vs. desktop users, etc.

Interests – fitness, fashion, outdoors, cuisine, etc.

Occupation – income and job status

Life events – a new relationship, a new baby, a recent move, etc.

Parent’s children – expecting, babies, preschoolers, teenagers, etc.

As you can tell, Facebook and Instagram get down into the nitty-gritty of your audience.

Plus, you can create lookalike audiences. A lookalike audience “looks like” your normal audience. These users have similar demographics, but they target new people. So you have a greater chance of finding new customers.

Something else I like about social media ads is their image options.

My client, One Hundred Toys, sells baby and children’s toys. I added a carousel feed of their toys so that parents can see what each toy looks like.

All in all, Facebook and Instagram ads are a great way to reach out to a larger and more targeted audience. So what about Google Ads?

Google Ads – While Google doesn’t offer the same details about your audience, there’s something very important to keep in mind—the number of parents who use Google.

Data Reportal found that 81% of users from ages 16-64 use Google to purchase items… imagine how many of those users are parents!

Plus, anyone who searches for a product is ready to buy at that moment. So if you want to increase your number of purchases, then Google ads are for you.

I also wrote a free eBook on every question you might about Google Ads. I suggest checking it out if you have more questions about advertising baby products on Google.

To sum up, both social media and Google Ads have their advantages. If you’re not sure which one to choose, then I’d consider your marketing funnel.

For example, if you want to generate more leads, then you’re better off with social media ads. Facebook and Instagram will find your new prospects with their custom and lookalike audiences.

But if you’re optimizing the bottom of your funnel, then you should use Google Ads. Anyone who searches for a baby item on Google is ready to purchase at that moment.

Not to mention, you can always use both platforms to reach different goals! The possibilities are endless.

This next step targets anyone interested in Facebook or Instagram Ads. If you’re all about Google, then head over to step 4.

3. Get to Know Your Audience

Like I mentioned above, this step is for anyone advertising baby products on Facebook and Instagram Ads.

Remember how we figured out your target audience for baby products in step 1? Well… now it’s time to dig a little deeper.

In step 2, I mentioned how Facebook and Instagram can target your parent’s:

  • Interests
  • Behaviors
  • Occupation and income
  • Life events
  • Family

This means you should know the answers to questions like:

  • What are your parent’s careers?
  • How much do they make?
  • What do they do for fun?
  • What do they spend their money on?

The more you know about your audience, the more accurate your ads are. I mean… imagine selling a baby travel carrier to parents who don’t travel. It makes little sense, right?

So now you might wonder… “This is useful, but I don’t know my targeted audience THIS well. How do I figure it out?”

If you don’t know them, join them! There are many parenting Facebook groups and blogs out there. Join the conversation and see what your parents struggle with, desire, and do for fun.

You can start with the following parent blogs:

  1. Alpha Mom – for motherhood
  2. Pregnant Chicken – for new parents
  3. How to Be a Dad – for dads

And if you’re advertising baby products to moms, you can check out my blog post, Marketing to moms.

4. Brainstorm keywords

You know how the last step was specifically for social media ads? Well, this step is for Google Ads.

When advertising baby products on Google, you must use keywords. Keywords are the most popular phrases, words, and sentences your audience searches about a product.

So when you add these keywords to your ad copy, your ad will appear when someone searches for that phrase.

Pottery Barn, for example, sells baby crib sheets. Anyone who wants baby crib sheets would probably search for “baby crib sheets” on Google, right? But they might also search for keywords like:

  • Baby blankets
  • Boy sheets
  • Girl sheets
  • Baby gear

As you can see, Pottery Barn optimized their ad by including all of these keywords. Now when someone searches for “Baby gear,” Pottery Barn can appear on their search.

So how do you find the right keywords, anyway?

First, write a list of generic keywords around your baby product. If I sold baby monitors, then some of my keywords would be:

  • Baby monitor
  • Best baby monitor
  • Affordable baby monitor

Don’t worry about creating a long list—focus on the basics first. And when you’re done, head to Google and run a search for each keyword.

Here’s how I go about this step:

  1. I use an incognito window for all of my keyword searches. This helps depersonalize my searches on Google.
  2. Once I search for a keyword, I check out the “People always ask” and “Searches related” sections. These sections tell you what your parents are searching for the most about your product.

After looking at these sections, I see that “best baby monitor” is a popular keyword. I should use this phrase in my Google Ads.

I also see that people search for “baby monitor app” and “best baby monitor with Wi-Fi.” So it might be a good idea to add any high-tech features my baby monitor has into my ad.

From here, write down the most popular keywords. If you get stuck, then you can always look through your product pages for more keyword ideas.

  1. After I have a list of popular keywords, I head over to a keyword search tool. Here’s a quick list of keyword tools you can use.
  • Ubersuggest (free)
  • Google Keyword Planner (free)
  • Keywords Everywhere
  • SEMrush
  • Ahrefs
  • Moz

When I run a search through my keyword tool, I focus on the search volume, cost per click, and difficulty for each keyword.

Search volume – This tells you how many times your keyword is searched on Google per month.

So if one of your keywords only gets 20 searches per month, then your ad won’t be seen by many people. But if your keyword gets 500 searches per month, then you’ll get more exposure.

Cost-per-click (CPC) – When a parent clicks on your baby product ad, you’ll pay X amount for that click. You can use this metric to decide if the estimated amount of conversions will cover your CPC.

For example, if the keyword “baby cloth diapers” costs $1.13, and my estimated conversion rate is $10,000 worth of sales, then I know it’s worth the cost.

Difficulty – How competitive is this keyword? How many other ads are using it? Most keyword search tools will tell you if your keyword is low, medium, or high difficulty. You’ll typically want a low-difficulty keyword.

And that’s it! Now you have a set of keywords to use in your Google Ads. From here, you can create the rest of the ad copy, which we’ll go over in the next step.

5. Create Ad Copy

Think back to the last time you saw a great ad. What did you like about it?

Maybe you thought the ad was funny. Or maybe they highlighted a feature you wanted. It wasn’t the product that stood out to you, but what they wrote about the product.

This is why your ad copy is SO important. Whatever you write can determine if your audience wants to buy it or not.

This is also why you should ALWAYS write your ad copy for your target audience. So in this case, consider what a parent wants to see in your ad.

Here are a few ways to do that:

Answering your parent’s questions – Consider what your parents want to answer the most about your product.

Let’s say you sell baby food. If you were to target health-conscious parents, then they’d probably wonder if your baby food product is natural or organic.

Beechnut is a great example answering their audience’s questions. They used “Natural” and “Organic” at the beginning of their ad. Also, notice how they add “100% natural” and “Good reviews from moms’’ in their description.

Add your unique selling proposition (USP) – Remember how we figured out your USP in step 1? Well… Now is the time to use it!

Buybuy Baby’s USP is their free and speedy curbside pickup. A parent might think, “Wow, this business makes it easy and fast to get my baby car seat” and then buy it immediately.

Let’s look at another ad with a USP.

Notice how this ad offers a free baby box, like the other ad offered a free curbside pickup. Use power words like “free” and “affordable” to highlight your USP.

Some other power words you can use are:

  • Easy to use
  • Mom-approved
  • 100% money-back guarantee
  • Nontoxic
  • Safe
  • Comfortable
  • X% off
  • X years of experience

Images – With Facebook and Instagram Ads, you can upload images of your baby product. And you don’t have to worry about taking a professional photo. As long as your images are high resolution and focus on your product, you’re good to go.

Spearmint Baby’s Facebook ad catches your attention with their image. And it focuses on what they’re selling… baby t-shirts. This image is visually appealing. It’s also large enough to view and colorful.

I have a post on adding lifestyle images to social media ads you might want to check out.

To sum up, focus on the following when you write your ad copy:

  • Answer questions about your product
  • Add your USP
  • Use power words
  • Include images with social media ads

6. Budget your ads

If you’re brand new to advertising baby products with PPC ads, then you might think, “I don’t know how to budget my ads. How can I tell if I’m spending too much money?”

There’s no cookie-cutter answer to this question because every business is different. But these next 5 questions about your marketing strategy will help you get started.

  1. How competitive is your baby product?

Who do you stand against? How many others are selling the same baby item as you? For example, when I search for “baby swing set” on Google, 7 different PPC ads appear on the front page.

From one Google search, you can see how competitive baby swing sets are. If this is the case, you must bid higher on your keywords.

And if your competition is high for social media ads, you’ll probably need more lookalike audience ad sets.

  1. What are your conversation rate goals?

A conversion rate means not only making a purchase. It can also be:

  • Visiting your website
  • Joining your email list
  • Downloading your eBook
  • Getting on your waitlist

Once you’ve decided what your conversion rate is, consider how many users you want to convert using ads.

Maybe you run a content marketing strategy along with PPC ads, so your conversion goals don’t need to be as high. OR maybe PPC is your only marketing strategy, so your conversion goals are higher than normal.

Your conversion rate goals will change as time goes on, so you can always revisit this question.

  1. Do you want your ad to rank on the first page of Google?

If you’re only using social media ads then feel free to skip this question.

As for the Google ad users, keep this statistic in mind: If your ads rank at #1 on search, you’ll receive a 10x higher click-through rate than an ad ranking at #10.

So yeah, it’s worth budgeting your ads to reach Google’s first page.

  1. Where do you target your ads?

By where I mean location. The United States’ CPC is 20-70% more expensive than in other countries. So if your target audience is in the USA, you’ll want to budget for that.

This doesn’t mean that US ads are going to burn a hole in your pocket—you can run your ads in specific locations like Dallas, Texas, or Portland, Maine, to lower the cost.

  1. Are you outsourcing your ads?

Look around and ask yourself, “Who’s going to create these ads?” Will it be you, your team, or another agency?

Keep in mind that outsourcing your ads doesn’t always mean a higher budget. A credible agency knows how to budget effectively. So if you’re new to paid ads, you might save more by outsourcing.

7. Audit your Ads

Imagine publishing a blog post without editing it. Or posting a social media photo without finalizing the caption. You don’t do it, right?

This is the same with PPC and social media ads. Once you run your ads, you don’t leave them hanging. Instead, you run an audit.

Running an audit means…

  • Making sure your ads are running properly
  • Checking your ad impressions and conversion rates
  • Analyzing whether you’re targeting the right audience
  • Deciding which ad campaigns are not working, and which ones are

You’ll reach out to more parents, sell more baby products, and allocate your budget when you run frequent audits. And when I say frequent, I mean weekly.

Plus, I offer free Google and Facebook Ad audits… And it’s all online! Plus, you’ll be on the call as I run the audit. This way, you can see what is and isn’t working for your ads.

Here’s to Advertising Baby Products

And that’s a wrap! Here’s a quick checklist of what you should do when advertising baby products with paid Ads.

  1. Specify your audience
  2. Choose an ad platform… or use more than one!
  3. Create lookalike audiences for Facebook and Instagram ads
  4. Create a list of optimized keywords for Google ads
  5. Focus your ad copy on your audience and show off your USP
  6. Create a budget by streamlining your marketing strategy
  7. Book a free Facebook or Google audit with me

You also might want to check out my blog post on creating a Facebook Ad Campaign. And reach out to us for any question you might have about your PPC ads.