Facebook Remarketing Best-Practices to Grow your Business

Remarketing is a classic in Digital Marketing. However, it is often very badly used. Business owners need to understand that a visitor does not buy systematically after a first visit, and that’s why they should use remarketing to send a reminder and help the customer get into action.

Amongst many digital advertising platforms, Facebook Ads provides us with all the tools we need to identify users who pass through our website to show them dedicated advertisements directly on the News Feed, on Instagram or Facebook.

Setting up remarketing can require establishing complex sales funnels, but you can also use these three easy Facebook Ad retargeting strategies to get conversions quickly.

1. Don’t Forget to Segment your Audience

Facebook offers the opportunity to reach people who have visited your website, segmenting this audience based on the actions they have performed. This allows you to target a specific audience and create targeted and performing ads. Here some common examples:

All Website Visitors:

This is probably the most widely used Facebook remarketing audience and the easiest one to create as it includes all your past website visitors.
This kind of audience works well if you’re advertising a newly created brand and have a few daily website visitors. But if you already see thousands of regular visits, you probably need to be more precise with your remarketing audience segmentation.

Past Purchasers:

Users who have already bought one of your products have proved their interest. As long as you maintain the promises made, there’s a solid possibility they’ll consider making a return visit. But not every customer takes the steps needed to stay in touch.

Be creative and think about potential upselling opportunities for your new Facebook remarketing campaigns. For example, you could retarget people who purchased baby food with additional offers on children’s products.

Moreover, you should define which factors are important characteristics of your past customers. For example, your remarketing campaign might target customers who have:

  • Purchased within the last three months;
  • Regular and predictable purchasing habits;
  • Converted on a past promotion;
  • Purchased a certain monetary amount.

Cart Abandoners:

Most online shoppers take the time to go through e-commerce sites, add products to their carts and then disappear. Re-engaging with them provides a chance to resonate with someone who has shown interest in your products.

If you’re wondering why users abandon their cart, there are plenty of reasons. Here are a few:

  • Looking for coupons;
  • Looking for better deals;
  • Looking for reviews;
  • Need approval from partner/friends/family;
  • Distractions;
  • Shipping costs.

This last option is the most common: data shows that 35% of cart abandonments happen once shoppers notice the shipping costs. If your data is showing that shoppers leaving your website due to shipping costs, retarget them with ads that highlight a free shipping promo code.

Engaged Facebook/Instagram Users:

You can retarget people based on how they interacted with your content on Facebook or Instagram. As of now, you can create Facebook Custom Engagement Audiences of:

  • Everyone Who Engaged With Your Page
  • People Who Engaged With Any Post or Ad
  • People Who Visited Your Page
  • People Who Sent a Message to Your Page
  • People Who Saved Your Page or Any Post
  • People Who Clicked on Any Call-to-Action Button on Your Page

2. Take advantage of Dynamic Product Ads

Dynamic Product Ads trace individual users’ habits and use them to design custom ad experiences using products that they’ve previously seen in your product catalogue. So, it’s automating your Facebook Remarketing efforts to manage the problematic parts of setup and optimization for you.
Dynamic Product Ads for Facebook (aka DPA) take the headache away by automating the whole process. Now you can effortlessly promote an entire catalogue of items across Facebook’s network without having to create each ad individually.
This Facebook ad type lets you deliver remarketing ads that show the exact product a person checked out on your website.

3. Create Evergreen Campaigns

An evergreen Facebook ad campaign is a set of ads that help your audience work their way through your sales funnel over some time. So, for each separate ad group, you might have a separate custom audience to target. Evergreen campaigns have two pros: they help you get qualified leads for each part of your funnel, they prevent the same audience from seeing ads that aren’t relevant to them.

You can also change how frequently your audience sees the ads in your evergreen campaign by creating audiences for limited time frames. For example, maybe your evergreen ad funnel consists of a series of website visitors who visited your website during various timeframes.


Implement Dynamic Products ads and Evergreen Retargeting Campaigns to boost your Facebook Ads performance!

Don’t forget to segment your target audience and you’ll have an easier time planning your remarketing campaign and increasing your sales!