
What is ROAS? (And the Best Way to Calculate It)

What is ROAS? (And the Best Way to Calculate It) Here’s the truth about your PPC ads. It doesn’t matter what your ROI, conversion value, or cost per click is. You won’t know if you’re making a profit until you calculate your return on ad spend (ROAS). If you’re thinking, “ROAS, what’s [...]

What is ROAS? (And the Best Way to Calculate It)2021-04-13T15:10:10+00:00

7 Things to Know About Advertising Baby Products

7 Things to Know About Advertising Baby Products If you’re reading this, you’re probably: In the baby goods industry Wondering how to start advertising baby products… the right way Well, guess what? You’re in the right place! While there are many strategies out there to advertise your baby products, one of the [...]

7 Things to Know About Advertising Baby Products2021-03-17T16:45:44+00:00

5 Steps to Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Small Business

5 Steps to Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Small Business You’ve got a great product and a great work ethic to back it up. Now you just need the rest of the world to notice. Google Ads can deliver self-selecting customers directly to your site. They can also present your ads to [...]

5 Steps to Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Small Business2021-03-23T12:25:18+00:00

Digital Marketing for eCommerce: the Baby Good Market

Digital Marketing for eCommerce: the Baby Good Market One of the most competitive of all online markets, the baby goods market is awash with manufacturers and retailers, and needs a clear and effective marketing campaign for a brand to stand out. This is no ordinary market; there are notable differences between how goods [...]

Digital Marketing for eCommerce: the Baby Good Market2021-03-23T12:30:52+00:00

How to increase e-commerce sales with Customer Lifetime Value

How to increase e-commerce sales with Customer Lifetime Value What is Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)? "The lifetime value of a customer, or customer lifetime value (CLV), represents the total amount of money a customer is expected to spend in your business, or on your products, during their lifetime. This is an important [...]

How to increase e-commerce sales with Customer Lifetime Value2021-03-23T13:31:23+00:00